Print apk | "Print" enables you to quickly and easily print out photos, contacts, & phone numbers - or print out web pages to read later. You can also print from other apps like Gallery, or Internet Browser apps and even Email using the "Share" command. With Print you can print to ALL printers. Print direct to most Wireless printers without additional software. Print to ALL printers via your Mac/PC. Print remotely over 3G and in corporate networks or when Wifi is not available.
"Print" is made by the same company that is the #1 maker of printing apps for iOS devices.
When you buy "Print" there are no hidden costs or subscriptions, you get unlimited printing with this app.
Main features • Print from other apps using "Share" command • Print to ALL printers (Network/WiFi/USB/Bluetooth) via your Mac or PC or direct to most WiFi printers without additional software • Print via 3G • Select and print multiple contacts • Select and print multiple photos • Print photos any size your printer supports • Take a picture and print it • Print Web pages • Print quickly and easily • Mac and Windows compatible
OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6 Windows 7/XP/Vista
QUICK HELP - if you need it Average reply: 1 hour, 24/7
Free WePrint helper may need to be installed on your Mac/PC to print.