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Minutes Of Meeting PRO SALE apk Description
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Free up your brain cycles to focus on critical tasks to boost your productivity. View action items as reminders or check list. Use the app to Save Paper, Save Tree and Go GREEN
Add, Edit, Search, Delete Meeting Minutes and Notes - Allows you to add new minutes to Minutes Of Meeting database. Save time in documenting minutes. Boost your productivity by using templates to avoid repeat typing of commonly used items. Possibilities are endless when you create templates that match your needs!
Action Items - To enter and view them by day, week, month or year. Supports Google calendar sync on most devices for action items so you have the place-holder on the calendar to follow up. Tap on the PLUS sign on the History page to add new Action item or note or issue to the same Minutes.
Search Minutes- for partial or full data and meeting notes.
Attachments - This feature allows you to attach files of any type, photos, videos, voice recordings and images. You can take pictures of white board sessions or attach scanned papers, time-sheets etc.. Great way to have all the data associated the meeting notes.
Save/Print/Issues Report/Minutes and Notes - This menu is available on Edit Minutes MENU as well as on the History Page. It allows you to Save pretty or HTML formatted minutes data from the app to email or to SD Card so you can Print it or Transfer to your PC or other devices.
History - Enables you to view the historical record of the meeting notes.
Settings - This page allows to customize or set preferences for Minutes files, Issue Reports, etc. You can tap the Preview buttons to see the impact of your changes right on this page. The app will pick the latest minutes to show the sample. Change the background and button color theme to your liking. Unlimited number of templates can be added.
Backup - Allows you to take the backup of your data so you can store it safely or transfer it to the other mobile device or PC.
Restore - Allows you to restore your database from the previous backup. For example, you can be using one device or tablet for your use and then use restore to transfer minutes data from you tablet to your colleague's device who can then view the data.
Help - Displays help about the features provided by this application.
Contact Us - We would love to hear from you. We value your opinion and seek your advice for implementing the future features. Press "Contact Us" to reach by email. Thanks a lot for giving us an opportunity to serve you.
Your feedback is important to us. So we would really appreciate if you would send us any comments or suggestions , instead of rating the application low.
- Lastly, we rely on your appreciation and word of mouth to support the app. So please use the easy ONE TAP functions to post the APP on social networks such Facebook, Google Plus or Tweeter.
- On SALE for limited time
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